Thursday, June 02, 2005

statement of purpose

We already have enough carnivals where bloggers trumpet their own work. Let's share the love. This carnival is titled "smarter than I," in recognition of those who are too humble, too busy, or too shy to submit their tidbits of genius.


Submissions must not be your own. Sorry. That's what other carnivals are for. Choose the best post or two you've read in the past week and send it our way, perhaps with a description or comment. There are no other criteria--just good writing, wherever you can find it. This carnival is non-sectarian and nonpartisan.

The current host has the right to refuse duplicate entries, objectionable or too-old content, always with explanation. The host may also edit the description for mechanics or clarity. It does have to be "good" writing.

The carnival is published every other Monday, so entries are due the Sunday before.

Send your entries to smarterthani AT hotmail DOT com, or use this form.

Oh, and for clarity's sake, the person who wrote the post doesn't have to be smarter than you, just in case you're the Einstein of bloggers.


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